Episode 50 – We’re all busy. We’re all looking for shortcuts. And when it comes to social media marketing we’re all looking for ways to get what we want and need as quickly as possible. That means that many people are looking for cookie cutter solutions for social media growth. If only it were that easy! The plain fact of the matter is, we’re all unique. We all have unique relationships with everyone we encounter. And instead of fighting that fact, we should be embracing our uniqueness…

Episode 49 – In life and in social media we all face the same enemy…time. But when it comes to your social media marketing, time can cause you issues on so many fronts. The time is takes to engage socially and the time it takes to grow your fan base both can take up a LOT of your time… sometimes too much of it. But, there is good news. Time can be a social media asset, if you don’t delay…

Episode 48 – Social media is, for the most part free, so it must be easy. A lot of people think that, but as we have seen throughout the years just because it’s free doesn’t make it that simple. We recently had a client tell us that they had everything under control and that they didn’t need ANY help. Sadly, that was far from the truth. It wasn’t a money issue, it was simply a lack of caring or understanding on their part. What they failed to realize, is that EVERYONE can use some help…

Episode 47 – The world around us is getting busier and we’re all looking for ways to minimize the things in our life that we don’t think matter that much. For some people, social media is one of those things of which we still don’t have a full grasp. To some, the time and effort we put in to social media could be used for other things. But if you’re trying to build a business or a personal brand, can you truly afford to take a long break from social media? The simple answer is no, and here’s why…

Episode 46 – We’re all in a hurry. That’s just a product of the highly stimulated world that we now live in. We’re never satisfied if we don’t get what we want (and what we need) right away. And the same goes for your social media growth and activities. There isn’t a person involved in social media who wants rapid growth, who wants it all right now! But often times when we look at our social media activity, we might want to remember that childhood fable of the race between the tortoise and the hare…