Episode 65 – Relationships in social media are often times like relationships in real life. There are varying degrees of connectivity. And with every relationship both parties involved have some control over how great a bond is forged. Naturally, you don’t control what your social media fans, followers, and friends feel about this ‘relationship’. You do have complete control over how connected YOU are or want to be with these people. And like in real life, EVERY one of these relationships is different!

Episode 64 – I recently got together for coffee with a friend, and of course the topic of social media came up. My friend was telling me that they sometimes feel uncomfortable with social sharing. They’re not sure what they should share online, so rather than use a process as simple as trial-and-error, they simply choose to do little online. And I’m certain that many people feel the exact same way. Now people with narcissistic personalities are usually okay with the sharing part, they often fail at the social part. But for people who are paralyzed with some sort of fear, social media can be a challenge.

Episode 63 – Let’s face it, the longer you engage with social media, the greater the possibility of running into some rude people. There’s something about the anonymity of the internet that often times brings out the worst in people. Hopefully your encounters with these so-called internet trolls don’t cause you harm. But just in case you come into contact with people like this, we do have some suggestions on how to handle the situation…

Episode 62 – Social media can be a lot of fun. If you truly get into it and want to do well, you should be able to accomplish the goals that you set for yourself. But some people tend to forget that we need to approach social media like we approach any business. We need to remember that the people we call our followers, fans, and even friends are actually our customers and we should think of them like any business thinks of their customers. And while it can often times feel like play, this is actually work.

Episode 61 – Over the holidays I was reminded of the fact that as much as social media continues to evolve, the basic principals of connecting with others will always be at the core of this online tool. It doesn’t matter what site you’re using, it all comes down to that social bond. One of the early adopters of social media a decade ago was a young singer named Taylor Swift (and we all know how her career prospered), and while many initial believers have moved on, Taylor continues to prove that embracing her online fans is still the way to succeed…