Episode 80 – You hear this mantra all the time, that you don;t get something for nothing. You can say the same thing when it comes to social media. It may not cost you money to create a Facebook page, Twitter profile, or even a YouTube channel, but you’re still paying for the privilege of using those social networking sites. The cost is information; information about you, your habits, and the habits of your fans, followers, and friends. So, what can you do to minimize the cost? The answer probably won’t surprise you, but it might frustrate you…
Episode 79 – When people began networking ‘socially’ online around a decade ago most were simply having fun. There weren’t any ulterior motives early on, it was simple and unsophisticated. But then the marketing people and big businesses started getting involved, and social media got complicated. Every post, picture, video, and status update now had a specific purpose. The marketing types wanted something in return from their fans, followers, and friends. Perhaps you find yourself doing the same thing; always wanting something from your social connections. We suggest you might want to think about doing something for nothing…
Episode 78 – You probably see or even hear these phrases everyday; ‘Follow Me On Twitter’, ‘Become A Fan On Facebook’. They may be said in different ways, but the facts are clear. These phrases have become the modern social media equivalent to ‘Have A Nice Day’. These phrases are things that people, businesses, and brands say because that’s what they’ve been told they’re supposed to do. But these messages often seems hollow because there isn’t a lot of thought put behind them. Have you used these phrases or something similar in trying to grow your social media presence? Perhaps it’s time to pit some real thought into what when and why you say ‘Follow Me’…
Episode 77 – Some aspects of social media are fun, and others are often deemed tedious and boring. For many, collecting data about your social media progress can fall on the tedious side. But in all actuality collecting data is one of the most important things that you can do when it comes to your personal branding and social media progress. It doesn’t matter if you’re approaching this from a personal or business standpoint, data collection is one of the most important aspects if not the most important aspect of plotting your growth…
Episode 76 – So many people seem to focus on the wrong things when it comes to their social media marketing. We often hear of people talking about some big payoff that they hope to see. This is just another instance of people searching for a mythical shortcut that simply doesn’t exist. We have said it before and will say it again, growing your social media influence is a process. Sometimes this growth happens quickly, but often times it’s simply slow and steady. Don’t make the mistake of working for the big payoff, your solid social media efforts will be rewarded with consistency…